Johnson Consulting’s Jake Johnson to be featured in Order of the Golden Rule “WebEd” series



Succession planning and driving enterprise value upward should always be in our minds as owners, managers, and key stakeholders in a business. “The why behind all we do.”  –  That sentence is part of a teaser put out for a webinar to appear on the Order of the Golden Rule’s WebEd” series tomorrow, June Tuesday, June 25.


The featured speaker will be Johnson Consulting Group’s President and CEO Jake Johnson.  Johnson will be featured in a webinar entitled “Exit with Success:  Succession Planning and Your Business”


This webinar will take place at 3:00 pm Eastern Time (2:00 pm Central Time).  It is free to Order of the Golden Rule (OGR) members and $75 for all other attendees.


To register and/or learn more about the OGR WebEd series, click here.


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