
Unclaimed bodies: Growing and a threat to your financial success?

By Funeral Director Daily / July 22, 2024 /

    If you do research like I do about the Death Care profession you come across lots of articles that talk about county morgues running out of room to hold human remains.  And, one of the big reasons is that so many human remains are going unclaimed in this day and age.   When…

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A roadblock in Delaware

By Funeral Director Daily / July 12, 2024 /

    All states have some type of restriction on who can fill in and file death certificates online.  And, in most states, that responsibility lies many times with licensed funeral directors and morticians.  This article from Delaware Public Radio WDDE tells us of a discrimination lawsuit being filed by the American Civil Liberties Union…

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The story of the “Last Signer” of the Declaration of Independence

By Funeral Director Daily / July 4, 2024 /

  A rallying cry for colonists in pre-independent America was “No taxes without representation”.  That basically referred to the act of taxing the colonies through British laws where colonists had no say, or vote, in the matter.   However, most people don’t realize that one of the last indignities for this growing independence movement was…

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Funeral directors need to promote “Funeral Celebrants”

By Funeral Director Daily / June 20, 2024 /

    It is my opinion that the lack of people to preside over ceremonies for the dead may in the future have a limiting effect on the number of ceremonies that are held. . . . which would be detrimental to those in the funeral home and memorial businesses.   I understand that conducting…

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Finding the “Goldilocks” licensure solution

By Funeral Director Daily / May 31, 2024 /

    2023 and 2024 have brought up lots of discussion about licensure for morticians, funeral directors, embalmers, transport operators, cremation operators, and removal technicians in the Death Care profession.  Much of the discussion was started because of the low numbers of funeral professionals seeking job openings and the many openings left vacant.   However,…

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Lots of issues. . . and opportunities in the cemetery business

By Funeral Director Daily / May 21, 2024 /

      When I think of the cemetery in my little community in Minnesota.  I’m guessing, like a lot of other communities that grew up in the American “Land Rush”, the city cemetery came out of necessity.   When a pioneer citizen died the custom, and more than likely, the religious way to take…

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SCI settles California issue, looks forward to moving ahead with insurance funded preneed there

By Funeral Director Daily / May 16, 2024 /

    Earlier in May the Attorney General of the State of California issued a press release which you can read here announcing an agreement with Service Corporation International (SCI) over an eight-year dispute on how SCI delivered on their preneed funding.   In essence, concerning preneed sold through SCI’s Neptune and Trident locations in…

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Federal Trade Commission bans “Non-Compete” agreements

By Funeral Director Daily / April 25, 2024 /

    “This rule affects every segment of the American economy and in a simple 3-2 vote destroys billions of dollars in value that employers have spent in compensation for a covenant not to compete”.  That quote is part of the message delivered in a National Funeral Directors (NFDA) Special Bulletin on Tuesday by NFDA…

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Dignity, care, and respect. . . bringing the fallen home

By Funeral Director Daily / April 15, 2024 /

    On Saturday night I was at a movie, came home and turned the television on to catch the news and learned of the missile bombardment of Israel that Iran took responsibility for.  Now, I don’t know all the nuances of the political world that comes into these types of situations around the world,…

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Might the Baltimore Bridge collapse cause a “funeral tax” in Maryland?

By Funeral Director Daily / April 2, 2024 /

      A week ago today I woke up to the news of the collapse of the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore Harbor.  It wasn’t so long ago that I was in Baltimore for the National Funeral Directors Association (NFDA) convention in October 2022.  I was in awe of being in proximity to…

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