Funeral directors need to promote “Funeral Celebrants”



It is my opinion that the lack of people to preside over ceremonies for the dead may in the future have a limiting effect on the number of ceremonies that are held. . . . which would be detrimental to those in the funeral home and memorial businesses.


I understand that conducting a funeral is different than certifying a wedding which requires a legal component and licensure of the officiating party.  I further understand that a license or training is not required to conduct a funeral or memorial service, but I also know human nature and know that not every family will be able to find someone in the family or friend sphere that is comfortable in doing so.


I recently read this article from the Fermanagh Herald of Ireland where it is stated that the Bishop of Clogher commissioned 45 new members of the laity to the Parish Bereavement Teams across the Diocese.  The new commissionees will be tasked with presiding over Diocese funerals as there just are not enough priests.  According to the article, the diocese will have only 10 priests covering 85 parishes in the upcoming years. . . . . The priests simply can not spread out enough to cover all the funeral masses that will be held.


The Catholic Church of Ireland is not the only religious body that will be short of clergy to cover funerals.  Here is a couple of articles pertaining to Lutheran churches in America that will have the same issue.


As I mentioned earlier, having leaders for funerals and memorial services is certainly a pre-requisite to holding a service. . . .It is pretty simple, somebody has to lead.


Even if you are a traditionalist like me and prefers organized religion it is imperative that you see what is up around the corner with the clergy shortage.  Funeral homes have to embrace the positions of Funeral Celebrants and have a rolodex of celebrants that you can contact for families because of the shortage — but also because there are so many non-church members in society today. . . . . .To not be prepared with that option of celebrants will only exacerbate the numbers of direct cremation with no services families that you serve.


Funeral Director Daily recently published an article about the company Tomorrow Funerals of Australia.  They are gaining traction for their “Guaranteed Price Funerals” but they also have celebrants on staff and include the funeral celebrant in that guaranteed price. . . . .In my book, that is a pretty ingenius way to virtually guarantee each family that you serve will have some type of service or celebration.


Today’s article is simply a prod for those of you who have not yet accepted Funeral Celebrants into the Death Care fold. . . . I’m convinced that there is room for them and having more of them will be beneficial for funeral service in general.


Here is a page from the Better Place Forest website entitled, “What is a Funeral Celebrant and What do they do?”


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