
These guys believe cash-flow is king. . . .

By Funeral Director Daily / June 10, 2024 /

    A recent episode of the podcast “Two Guys and a Question” brings up the topic “What happens when there is too much month at the end of the Money?”   Industry experts Danny Jefferson and Alan Creedy discuss the importance of keeping the cash-flowing in your business during this 11-minute podcast.  You can…

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Tomorrow Funerals. . . . On to something?

By Funeral Director Daily / June 7, 2024 /

    “. . . . delivers a compassionate and thoughtful approach to saying goodbye to loved ones“.  That’s a quote from one of the testamonials that I discovered when I looked up Tomorrow Funerals of Australia.   I come across a lot of things when I am researching articles for Funeral Director Daily.  And,…

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Is your funeral home charging enough?

By Funeral Director Daily / June 5, 2024 /

    McDonald’s CEO Joe Erlinger was taken aback enough last week to write a letter to the consumer public about the idea that the cost of a Big Mac meal was now over $18.  For some reason that price number went viral and because of that consumers were thought to be avoiding McDonald’s restauarants.…

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Jumpin’ into June

By Funeral Director Daily / June 3, 2024 /

    Today is already the first week day of June 2024. . . . At least in my part of the world Summer is in full-swing.  And as we move into June we are leaving all the Death Care news of May behind us and heading into the final month of the 2024’s 2nd…

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Finding the “Goldilocks” licensure solution

By Funeral Director Daily / May 31, 2024 /

    2023 and 2024 have brought up lots of discussion about licensure for morticians, funeral directors, embalmers, transport operators, cremation operators, and removal technicians in the Death Care profession.  Much of the discussion was started because of the low numbers of funeral professionals seeking job openings and the many openings left vacant.   However,…

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Customer perception of your business. . . make it positive

By Funeral Director Daily / May 29, 2024 /

      I’m one of the lucky ones who receive a text message from industry veteran Danny Jefferson everyday.  His texts can be inspirational, aspirational, or simply good business thoughts.   The other day I received this text from Danny, “Perceptions are reality to most people.  Perceptions are extremely hard to change”.   Receiving…

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Longevity for your funeral business: “Focus on the Experience”

By Funeral Director Daily / May 28, 2024 /

    Alan Wolfelt is one of the great death care eductors of this generation and when I get a chance to read his works I always learn something.  In the latest edition of NFDA’s The Director magazine Wolfelt authors an article entitled “Efficiency does not equal Effectiveness”.   In that article Wolfelt makes the case…

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Memorial Day 2024: Honor our Vets

By Funeral Director Daily / May 27, 2024 /

    When I was looking for material for a short Memorial Day piece I came across this website of the American Battle Monuments Commission which lists and shows, with pictures, all of the American cemeteries across the world that our county maintains in order to let our Veterans, and those that loved them, always…

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Dreams, ambitions, expansion, strategy, and growth all find their way into funeral home transactions

By Funeral Director Daily / May 23, 2024 /

    Interest rates have risen, inflation has caused prices to move upward, but Death Care businesses, especially funeral homes continue to find ways to transition ownership.  There’s been a discussion about what will the return to normal after the pandemic coupled with some financial upheaval because of the economics of today do to the…

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Is “Service” more important than “Convenience and Price”?

By Funeral Director Daily / May 22, 2024 /

      Is “Service” more important than “Convenience and Price”?  That’s an interesting question that some businesses are asking themselves today. . . . .and the answer is “It Depends”.   Just over the last weekend I came upon two articles — one pertaining to Walmart and the other to their rival Target.  In…

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