
Minnesota’s “Transfer Care Specialist” category is now effective

By Funeral Director Daily / July 5, 2024 /

    In an effort to help alleviate some of the worker shortages in the funeral home profession the State of Minnesota Legislature passed what is known as the “Transfer Care Specialist” category for funeral homes this past session.  That category of workers became effective on July 1 and is now in effect.   In…

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Politics, political correctness, and your funeral home

By Funeral Director Daily / July 1, 2024 /

    It was almost impossible last week to live in the United States and not know or hear about the Presidential Debate between President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump.  Even if you didn’t want to know it was happening, you knew anyway because it dominated the news and announcements on almost every…

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Lots of competition. . .lots of opportunity

By Funeral Director Daily / June 28, 2024 /

    I received the July 2024 edition of The Director and read many of the articles.  One that interested me was authored by Curtis Rostad and was titled “Prices vs. The Internet”.  I enjoyed the entire article and think the author makes a great point, but what really captivated me was his perception that almost…

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Homesteaders Life partners with Gather’s case management platform

By Funeral Director Daily / June 27, 2024 /

    Homesteaders Life Insurance Company of Iowa has been in the news a lot lately.  The preneed company that issued its first policy for final expenses in 1906 most recently announced in this press release that they have formed a partnership with Gather’s case management platform.   According to the press release,  “The new…

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Podcast points out importance of “Focus” in building your brand

By Funeral Director Daily / June 26, 2024 /

    Only a few years ago Dan Garrett of the United Kingdom founded the will writing company Farewill in that country.  He estimates that his company has moved, via estates, a wealth transfer of more than 100 billion pounds of assets.  He’s moved on to also start a firm in Direct Cremation with “Farewill…

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ChurchFunerals Direct announces partnership with OARBC

By Funeral Director Daily / June 25, 2024 /

Earlier this month ChurchFunerals Direct, an Ohio-based funeral services provider made this announcement that they had formed a partnership with the Ohio Association of Regular Baptist Churches (OARBC).  According to the announcement, ChurchFunerals Direct is now “the official state funeral provider for the 134 churches in the OARBC.   According to Mark May, ChurchFunerals Direct…

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Compensation — “Who makes the decisions?”

By Funeral Director Daily / June 24, 2024 /

    Tesla CEO Elon Musk recently received a new wage package from the Board of Directors and it has caused Tesla, Musk, and the amount of Executive Pay to be in the spotlight.  For the record, Musk just received a 10-year pay package valued at $47 billion over the next ten years.   It…

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Black funeral homes and the Civil Rights movement

By Funeral Director Daily / June 19, 2024 /

      About the time that I had completed two-thirds of my term as a member of the University of Minnesota’s Board of Regents the University hired a new President.  Her name was Joan Gabel and she became the first female President of the University of Minnesota, coming to the U of M after…

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The “Pull-Push” movement in Death Care services

By Funeral Director Daily / June 17, 2024 /

  Over the years I’ve made lots of friends in funeral service.  One of them is Janet McGee. . . . Janet worked as a licensed funeral director, then in banking, and attained her MBA.  She’s done other things, too, but she is now on the faculty at the University of Minnesota teaching business classes…

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NYC’s Frank E. Campbell Funeral Home celebrating 125 Years

By Funeral Director Daily / June 12, 2024 /

  It was back in 1926 that 31-year old movie star Rudolph Valentino died in New York City.  The Frank E. Campbell Funeral Home was selected to serve the family and that funeral probably changed the direction of the funeral home. . . now sometimes referred to as “The funeral home to the stars“.  …

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