Lots of competition. . .lots of opportunity



I received the July 2024 edition of The Director and read many of the articles.  One that interested me was authored by Curtis Rostad and was titled “Prices vs. The Internet”.  I enjoyed the entire article and think the author makes a great point, but what really captivated me was his perception that almost all funeral home websites are what he calls “surprisingly similar”.


Another interesting item that caught my attention in the article is that Rostad mentions that surveys show that “87% of consumers begin their search for a funeral home online”.  If you own or operate a funeral home, that is a number that should get your attention.


Couple that with this article that I recently read out of Australia that notes that 90% of Australians say that they want to plan their own funeral.  Mix in the article Funeral Director Daily wrote earlier this week about ChurchFunerals Direct and you understand the importance of getting people to your website to see what you offer before they find a different website and make plans there instead.


Tom Anderson
Funeral Director Daily

It’s just not other funeral homes competing with your traditional funeral home anymore.  I was surprised in my research with the number of Death Doulas I found online looking to help families through their grief or the number of planning or “health websites”, such as Cake or Wellthy, helping families look for grief care.


And, there are people like New York City’s Amy Cunningham and her Fitting Tribute Funeral Service that fills a great need for people in search of services like green funerals.  I’ve been a fan of Ms. Cunningham for a long time and she has proven, that even in large metropolitan markets, one can find standing and build market share, much of it at the expense of traditional funeral homes.


So, today’s point I’m trying to drive home is that I know that there are great companies that can build websites for funeral homes.  However, sometimes being “not so similar” might be a real advantage.  I would suggest you look at your website and make sure it really can draw consumers in to look in depth at all of the offerings that you provide.


I also agree with Curtis Rostad who advocates for price transparency on that website. . . .according to his recent The Director article, 80% of those searching for funerals online are also looking for pricing for the services that they select.


Finally, here is another compelling reason to make sure you have a website that is engaging and pulls the consumer into the depth of your offerings.  Deanna Gillespie and Edward J. Defort made this comment in this week’s edition of the Memorial Business Journal,Speaking of loyalty, according to the survey, the trend is toward consumers shopping more funeral homes. Almost half of respondents (48.3%) called or visited more than one firm when they planned a funeral, up from 38.6% in 2023 and 33.6% in 2022.”


That’s where the “opportunity” can come in. . . . .if your market competitor’s potential client families are shopping at least two firms during their selection process, a great website may pull them to your side to grow market share.


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1 Comment

  1. Benjie Hughes on June 28, 2024 at 1:41 pm

    We decided on a privately designed website many years ago and a couple of competitors have adopted our basic theme. We also have received many google reviews, that wins the confidence of client families. Our merchandise photos and pricing has been online and GPL and packages are coming soon. Thanks for the great insights you share.

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