Upcoming WilbertEDU seminar is timely for learning long-term success


I found it more than a coincidence that the same day I received this press release for the next WilbertEDU session that Yahoo Finance published this article titled “Gen Z is projected to become the largest, wealthiest generation”.  It was coincidental because the WilbertEDU session will feature the topic “Bridging the Generational Divide in the Workplace”.


I think information on the two topics will benefit every funeral home owner and manager about not only what is happening now in a couple of phases of operations, but what is expected to come in the not-so-distant future.  Many Death Care operators have honed their operating plans on the expected large amount of Baby Boomer deaths to come, but have not realized, or understood, what having members of the Millennial generation and Generation Z being the employees and consumers during those times might bring as they very well could influence Baby Boomer behavior on Death Care choices.


Thanks again to Wilbert and the WilbertEDU program where licensees can earn free CEU credits by tuning in online we have the opportunity to learn how our Death Care businesses may be able to benefit from the triangulation of these three generational groups.


Here’s what Wilbert says about their Continuing Education Webinar scheduled for this Thursday, July 25:


Antonio Green, a distinguished fourth-generation funeral director and author, will be the featured speaker for our upcoming WilbertEDU® continuing education course on July 25, 2024. The webinar, “Bridging the Generational Divide in the Workplace,” will focus on the importance of a multigenerational workforce where every generation feels valued and understood.  . . .His commitment to professional excellence is further exemplified by his 2021 book, “Talk to Me –Understanding the Millennial Mindset,” which offers valuable insights for small business owners seeking to engage with the Millennial generation.


Wilbert continues with the description of Mr. Green’s webinar by saying this:


“Antonio’s presentation will cover topics such as understanding the generational landscape, challenges in managing a multigenerational workforce, strategies for bridging the generational gap, the role of each generation in fostering a cohesive workplace, and the benefits of a successfully integrated multigenerational workforce for long-term business success.”


You can learn more about the WilbertEDU series and register for Thursday’s event here.


The Yahoo Finance article – Gen Z is projected to become the largest, wealthiest generation”


Generation Z is the generation moniker for those people born between 1997-2012. . . . which would make them between the ages of 12 and 27 right now.  The article projects through a Nielson IQ Report, that you can access through the article, that “Gen Z” will have the fastest growing spending power of any grouping by 2029 — even overtaking the wealthy Baby Boomer generation by that time.


Funeral Director Daily will feature a full-article in the near future on what we feel could be generational influences being changed by the financial power of Generation Z coupled with their “shopping habits” as the first “digitally-native” generation.


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