funeral business

A Seeking Alpha opinion on the proposed Park Lawn sale

By Funeral Director Daily / June 14, 2024 /

  “The company’s attractive business model and growth potential made it appealing to private equity buyers.” . . That’s one of the three bullet point remarks about the proposed Park Lawn Corporation sale made at the beginning of this piece by Sandpiper Investment Research that was published Wednesday, June 12 by Seeking Alpha.   Here’s…

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Is Park Lawn Corporation now “In play”?

By Funeral Director Daily / June 11, 2024 /

    Last Monday, June 3, Park Lawn Corporation (PLC) made an announcement through this press release that they had an agreement to be acquired by Viridian Acquisition Inc., a company formed with assets of Homesteaders Life Company and Birch Hill Equity Partners.  The announcement stated that Viridian would “purchase all of the issued and…

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Is your funeral home charging enough?

By Funeral Director Daily / June 5, 2024 /

    McDonald’s CEO Joe Erlinger was taken aback enough last week to write a letter to the consumer public about the idea that the cost of a Big Mac meal was now over $18.  For some reason that price number went viral and because of that consumers were thought to be avoiding McDonald’s restauarants.…

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Park Lawn drops a bombshell: Company announces it is going private

By Funeral Director Daily / June 4, 2024 /

    In news that was announced late on Monday, funeral home and cemetery operator Park Lawn Corporation announced that the company is planning on being taken private through a partnership that includes Birch Hill Equity Partners Management and an affiliate of Homesteaders Life Company, Viridian Acquisition.   Here is the press release that Park…

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Jumpin’ into June

By Funeral Director Daily / June 3, 2024 /

    Today is already the first week day of June 2024. . . . At least in my part of the world Summer is in full-swing.  And as we move into June we are leaving all the Death Care news of May behind us and heading into the final month of the 2024’s 2nd…

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Customer perception of your business. . . make it positive

By Funeral Director Daily / May 29, 2024 /

      I’m one of the lucky ones who receive a text message from industry veteran Danny Jefferson everyday.  His texts can be inspirational, aspirational, or simply good business thoughts.   The other day I received this text from Danny, “Perceptions are reality to most people.  Perceptions are extremely hard to change”.   Receiving…

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It’s (almost) “Summertime and the Livin’ can be Easy” with Funeral 365

By Funeral Director Daily / May 23, 2024 /

  According to at least one website, George Gershwin’s 1934 song “Summertime” is the most covered song in the world.  And, with Memorial Day just around the corner the un-official opening of Summer is upon us.  Here’s a website where you can see the history of this song and how it has been performed over…

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Dreams, ambitions, expansion, strategy, and growth all find their way into funeral home transactions

By Funeral Director Daily / May 23, 2024 /

    Interest rates have risen, inflation has caused prices to move upward, but Death Care businesses, especially funeral homes continue to find ways to transition ownership.  There’s been a discussion about what will the return to normal after the pandemic coupled with some financial upheaval because of the economics of today do to the…

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Is “Service” more important than “Convenience and Price”?

By Funeral Director Daily / May 22, 2024 /

      Is “Service” more important than “Convenience and Price”?  That’s an interesting question that some businesses are asking themselves today. . . . .and the answer is “It Depends”.   Just over the last weekend I came upon two articles — one pertaining to Walmart and the other to their rival Target.  In…

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Lots of issues. . . and opportunities in the cemetery business

By Funeral Director Daily / May 21, 2024 /

      When I think of the cemetery in my little community in Minnesota.  I’m guessing, like a lot of other communities that grew up in the American “Land Rush”, the city cemetery came out of necessity.   When a pioneer citizen died the custom, and more than likely, the religious way to take…

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