cemetery business

SCI execs give some insight to the “state of the business” in quarterly earnings call

By Funeral Director Daily / November 8, 2023 /

    Service Corporation International (SCI) reported 3rd Quarter financial numbers for 2023 last week which we highlighted in Monday’s edition of Funeral Director Daily.  Today, we perused the company’s earnings call of last week to try to find some insight into the questions those in the profession are asking at this point in time.…

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Seeking Alpha gives positive review of Park Lawn Corporation

By Funeral Director Daily / October 11, 2023 /

    In an article that was published on October 1, and I’ll remind our readers that was before Park Lawn Corporation (PLC) had publicly withdrawn its $34 per share offer for Carriage Services, Seeking Alpha authors gave a positive review of Park Lawn Corporation.   The article, which you can read here is entitled,…

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Seeking Alpha on SCI: “Negative scenario could be favorable for this industry consolidator”

By Funeral Director Daily / September 25, 2023 /

    This morning’s edition of Funeral Director Daily looked at the situation that death care companies could be in if inflation and the high interest environment we are in stay with us for some time.  Interestingly enough, Seeking Alpha author Gustavo Larraga Tapia published an article last week where he opined that death care…

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More from the floor. . . . Supplier news from the NFDA Convention

By Funeral Director Daily / September 21, 2023 /

  My favorite time annually at the National Funeral Directors Convention (NFDA) is when I get to roam the Expo Hall among all of Death Care’s suppliers and just visit.  Sometimes it is about new and exciting products and sometimes it is just catching up with an old friend. . . . . and sometimes…

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Park Lawn Corporation discussed in Seeking Alpha article

By Funeral Director Daily / September 20, 2023 /

  Part of our mission at Funeral Director Daily is to help the individual funeral home owner or operator understand all facets of their business better and in more depth so that they have the knowledge to make decisions moving forward.  In my 35 years of owning and operating a funeral home I tried to…

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Viva Las Vegas!!!!. . . Impressions from the NFDA convention floor

By Funeral Director Daily / September 18, 2023 /

    I recently returned from Las Vegas where I spent a couple of days attending seminars, walking the Convention Expo floor, and just catching up with old friends.  For me, “Vegas” is a fun place to go — for about two days — and then I’m glad to be back in “dull” but beautiful…

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SCI building funeral home on cemetery grounds in Virginia

By Funeral Director Daily / September 15, 2023 /

  This article from a recent edition of the Roanoke Times of Virginia mentions two funeral homes being built within a half-mile of each other in that community.  At Funeral Director Daily we found that intriguing because we have noticed that with the rise of interest rates coupled with the uncertain sense of large traditional…

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Will “deflation” improve your margins?

By Funeral Director Daily / August 4, 2023 /

    “Deflationary forces will be the story of the season.”  That’s a headline I recently saw.   I receive three general business newsletters in my inbox every morning.  I woke up on Monday of this week with two of those newsletters headlining their newsletters with talk of inflation. . . more specifically, that talk…

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SCI reports 2Q 2023. . . .we see a mixed bag of news

By Funeral Director Daily / August 3, 2023 /

      Service Corporation International (SCI) the largest Death Care business in North America reported their results for the 2nd Quarter of 2023 earlier this week.  They reported an increase in sales revenue of about 2.2% over the same quarter of 2022 — sales in 2Q2023 totaled $1.013 billion as compared to $990.9 million…

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Matthews CEO Bartolacci: “This is a different business than it was just 3 years ago”

By Funeral Director Daily / July 31, 2023 /

  Matthews International, parent company of Aurora Casket and Matthews Cremation, reported their 3rd Quarter 2023 results and 9-Month results for 2023 last week.  I think the overriding take on that report is that Matthews International has continued their growing revenue spurt moved mostly by their recent entrance into the energy storage solutions business.  …

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