Should you have a surcharge for weekend work?



If funeral homes are going to continue to serve their communities with full service, they have to be profitable.  Many funeral homes have seen margins erode as families choose less service and other death care competitors move into their service areas.


Our friends at “2 Guys and a Question” podcast ponder that thought when they discuss the question, “Should you have a surcharge for weekend work?”


Once again, funeral profession veterans and experts Alan Creedy and Danny Jefferson share their thoughts on a subject that can be difficult to get complete advice on.  Here’s a really good 11-minute podcast that will shed some expert advice on the subject of weekend surcharges.


Click here for the podcast


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  1. Peter Bygrave on March 7, 2023 at 10:38 pm

    Funeral Directors in Australia have Saturday Fees and most have, “out of normal hours” transfer fees.
    Cemeteries in Western Australia are normally closed for burials on Sundays however the Metropolitan Cemeteries Board will undertake burials, mostly for specific religious groups, at an additional out of normal office hours fee. The fee currently is $911.00

  2. Eric Butler on March 7, 2023 at 1:04 pm

    In short, YES. Every other death care entity does charge. I have never understood why funeral homes do not.

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