Funeral Safe receives additional $9 million in expansion funding from existing shareholders


Funeral Safe announced last week that they had received almost $US 9 million in additional funding to expand their funeral-based consumer finance company.  In business since 2016, the latest round of capital investment by Black Lion Ventures will give Black Lion Ventures a controlling interest in the company.


Funeral Safe is a United Kingdom-based consumer-facing finance company designed to help consumers with death care payments.  According to a recent article in the British publication Funeral Service Times the company is described as “A consumer credit provider that specialises in tailored funeral finance, which allows individuals to spread the cost with monthly payments.  Funeral Safe works with more than 2,000 funeral homes and legal firms nationwide”. 


The article in Funeral Services Times is behind a pay wall, but Funeral Director Daily found this short article that explains more on the transaction.


Here’s what Robin Hyde-Chambers, founder and CEO of Funeral Safe said in the Funeral Service Times article, “This significant funding marks a major milestone in our journey, enabling us to accelerate our growth and innovation in the UK market. This investment underscores the confidence our investors have in our vision, our team, and the future of the firm.


Service needed as United Kingdom faces growing “funeral poverty” —   According to this The Guardian article from earlier in 2024, Great Britain faces a growing trend that they refer to as “funeral poverty”.  The article states that a recent survey indicates that “. . . a growing number of grieving families are having to sell belongings, raid their savings or borrow from friends to cover the cost of a loved one’s funeral”.


The article from The Guardian also states that “One in five families experience “notable financial concerns” when paying for a funeral” and that “There has also been an increase in the number of “public health funerals”, formerly known as pauper’s funerals, which are arranged by the local council for someone who has died without relatives, and with no way of paying”.


Finally, it is surmised that this issue of cost is one of the leading reasons that “Direct Cremations with No Services” has grown to a 20% market share of dispositions in the United Kingdom.



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Tom Anderson
Funeral Director Daily

Funeral Director Daily take:  Nothing real surprising here.  Obviously Funeral Safe must be showing progess on its business plan to instill continuing confidence on the part of its equity partner.  And, in my opinion, the idea of the equity partner now becoming the lead partner shows a likelihood of continuing confidence in the Death Care sector by private equity.


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