Inflation, shortages cause death care issues in Venezuela

If you have watched the news in the last few months you understand the social and economic unrest in the Venezuela social state as the citizens are pleading for more control over their own lives.  It is sad, depressing, and quite frankly, very difficult to understand how a socialist economy can recover.

We bring you this article that depicts the problem in the death care industry in Venezuela.  One issue is inflation – where it can be over 100% in just one week.  Think of that – a $2000 cremation service costs $4000 one week later.  The economic base just flat out crumbles in an economy where there government cannot back their currency.

The article referenced above also points out the shortages. . . in the death care industry a natural gas shortage has caused cremations to be delayed.  Again, think about that. . . a natural gas shortage in one of the world’s most bountiful oil countries.

Pearl Harbor Memorial built over the USS Arizona

I don’t want to be preaching here, however, for those who believe Socialism is the right idea. . . take a good long look at the picture in Venezuela.  America provides the freedom and opportunity to, as the U.S. Army says, “Be all you can be”.  And speaking of that freedom. . . . don’t forget to thank those servicemen and women who have been willing to lay it on the line for for all of us.  Today marks the 77th anniversary of America’s entry into World War II as we were surprise attacked by the Japanese on December 7, 1941, at Pearl Harbor.  Some of those veterans who died that day are still entombed on the USS Arizona which continues to rest on the harbor floor.

Have a great weekend.


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