Has the “Reality” met the “Expectations”?



You decided to become a funeral service professional.  What were your expectations at the time you made the decision?  Tomorrow night, Tuesday, May 21, the Cremation Association of North America (CANA) Peer Support Meeting delves into that question among those that will be attending the virtual sesson.


Here’s what CANA says in a press release about this month’s event:

“After a decade of full-time service as a funeral director and embalmer in Massachusetts and Southern New Hampshire, Sarah Stopyra felt a calling to share her knowledge of the profession with others. In 2013, she found her home in the classroom and never left. She now serves as Program Coordinator and Associate Professor at the newly launched Funeral Service Program at North Shore Community College in Danvers, MA. Her decades of experience in funeral service and with students gives her particular insight into what young professionals dream of doing and what funeral service is.   


Everyone’s journey toward the funeral profession may be different, but everyone can relate to being new, when our aspirations butted up against the realities of the job. Sarah will share her experience with the students of today – who they are, their experiences and hopes – and facilitate discussion on our expectations and goals for them, ourselves and the future of the profession.”


If you want to join in the conversation tomorrow night or just join in to listen click here for more information.


The Peer Support Group will start at 8:00 pm Eastern Time (7 pm Central and 5 pm Pacific time).


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