Global Green Burial Alliance to form. . . .offers introductory webinar today




Funeral Director Daily (FDD) was recently notified that a group has been working to bring together what they call the “Global Green Burial Alliance” (GGBA).  FDD received a statement out of Australia earlier this week about the formation.


According to the statement from Mr. Mark Thomas, the Global Green Burial Alliance will be led by Mr. Ed Bixby, who is listed as a former board member on the website of the Green Burial Council (GBC) of the United States.  According to the e-mail from Mr. Thomas, “Ed had a vision & burning desire to take all onto a GLOBAL stage,….. as the obvious growth of all things Eco Friendly – Green Burial and all associated is so much bigger than the Norther American Market only – and so the birth of The GGBA.”


You can become introduced to the Global Green Burial Alliance through a GGBA online forum today (Thursday, September 14) beginning at 4 pm Pacific Time (7 pm Eastern Time and 6 pm Central Time).  According to information on the GGBA website, the following is the announcement on what will entail on this forum:


“We are excited to invite you to the Global Green Burial Alliance’s very first forum: Green Burial Growth, Obstacles, and Future. This virtual event will introduce the Global Green Burial Alliance and bring funeral professionals and consumers together to learn about and discuss all things green burial. Speakers include the Global Green Burial Alliance’s Founder Ed Bixby, author of the Green Burial Guide Book Elizabeth Fournier, Walt Patrick of Herland Forest, and many more.”


To learn how to register for the forum or for more information on the group please go to the GGBA website here.


Related-  Here is the website for the North American headquartered Green Burial Council, founded in 2005


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