cremation business

Unclaimed bodies: Growing and a threat to your financial success?

By Funeral Director Daily / July 22, 2024 /

    If you do research like I do about the Death Care profession you come across lots of articles that talk about county morgues running out of room to hold human remains.  And, one of the big reasons is that so many human remains are going unclaimed in this day and age.   When…

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Is the “Employment change” grass a little less green today?

By Funeral Director Daily / July 16, 2024 /

    We’ve all heard the saying, “The grass is greener on the other side of the street“.  And, what that pertains to is that wherever you are, in whatever situation you are in, it always appears that life would be a little easier somewhere else.  However, until you have tried that “somewhere else” do…

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Don’t miss this CX learning opportunity

By Funeral Director Daily / July 8, 2024 /

  A quote from John R. Dijulius III goes like this “If you want to see how a company is doing today, look at their current sales; if you want to know how a company will perform in the future, look at their current Customer Satisfaction scores”.   Customer satisfaction has always been a goal…

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Public consumer funeral operating companies show stock price growth in first-half of 2024

By Funeral Director Daily / July 2, 2024 /

    The Funeral Director Daily Death Care Index (DCI) which consists of five stocks that deal in Death Care in some way continued to move lower in the 2nd Quarter of 2024 which ended last Friday.  As a matter of fact, the only stock in the DCI that moved forward in the 2nd Quarter…

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Politics, political correctness, and your funeral home

By Funeral Director Daily / July 1, 2024 /

    It was almost impossible last week to live in the United States and not know or hear about the Presidential Debate between President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump.  Even if you didn’t want to know it was happening, you knew anyway because it dominated the news and announcements on almost every…

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Lots of competition. . .lots of opportunity

By Funeral Director Daily / June 28, 2024 /

    I received the July 2024 edition of The Director and read many of the articles.  One that interested me was authored by Curtis Rostad and was titled “Prices vs. The Internet”.  I enjoyed the entire article and think the author makes a great point, but what really captivated me was his perception that almost…

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Homesteaders Life partners with Gather’s case management platform

By Funeral Director Daily / June 27, 2024 /

    Homesteaders Life Insurance Company of Iowa has been in the news a lot lately.  The preneed company that issued its first policy for final expenses in 1906 most recently announced in this press release that they have formed a partnership with Gather’s case management platform.   According to the press release,  “The new…

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Is Park Lawn Corporation now “In play”?

By Funeral Director Daily / June 11, 2024 /

    Last Monday, June 3, Park Lawn Corporation (PLC) made an announcement through this press release that they had an agreement to be acquired by Viridian Acquisition Inc., a company formed with assets of Homesteaders Life Company and Birch Hill Equity Partners.  The announcement stated that Viridian would “purchase all of the issued and…

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Customer perception of your business. . . make it positive

By Funeral Director Daily / May 29, 2024 /

      I’m one of the lucky ones who receive a text message from industry veteran Danny Jefferson everyday.  His texts can be inspirational, aspirational, or simply good business thoughts.   The other day I received this text from Danny, “Perceptions are reality to most people.  Perceptions are extremely hard to change”.   Receiving…

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Dreams, ambitions, expansion, strategy, and growth all find their way into funeral home transactions

By Funeral Director Daily / May 23, 2024 /

    Interest rates have risen, inflation has caused prices to move upward, but Death Care businesses, especially funeral homes continue to find ways to transition ownership.  There’s been a discussion about what will the return to normal after the pandemic coupled with some financial upheaval because of the economics of today do to the…

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