
How Can Funeral Homes Sell “The Experience”?

By Funeral Director Daily / November 30, 2017 /

Trends and surveys show us that the younger the person is in America the more apt they are to value “Experiences” over “Assets”.  It is an interesting subject to me – as a younger part of the Baby Boom generation – I’ve always valued assets and usually have watched my money on the experiences.  Experiences…

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Can’t Believe They Waited Until 2017

By Funeral Director Daily / November 28, 2017 /

The Niagara Gazette recently published an article featuring Michael Goodlander, owner of the Otto Redanz Funeral Home in New York state.  The article captured the thoughts of Goodlander and his funeral home as it is preparing to offer food – in the way of baked goods, snacks, and platters to those visiting and using his…

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Free Cremation Inurnment Service Proves Successful

By Funeral Director Daily / November 21, 2017 /

About two months ago we came across a story from Killeen, Texas, and wrote about what Rachel Dwyer, general manager of the Heritage Funeral Home and Killeen Funeral Home was planning.  In that article we commented that we thought that this could really prove to be a positive public relations move and something that would…

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Check Up Time with Your Pre-Need Provider

By Funeral Director Daily / November 14, 2017 /

Pre-Need insurance means different things for different funeral homes.  Some funeral homes use pre-need to build market share, some use pre-need as a cash-flow tool, and some use pre-need as a means of providing revenue and net income to the bottom line.  Probably more often than not, funeral homes use pre-need for a combination of…

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The Changing Face of the American Funeral

By Funeral Director Daily / November 9, 2017 /

We have talked about it here before — how the American death care business is changing.  It all has to do with the changing culture of the American populous.  Not much has changed in what is accepted in America at the time of death — for the past forty years we have accepted burial, funerals,…

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The Stakes Have Never Been Higher

By Funeral Director Daily / November 7, 2017 /

Yesterday I read of two cases where funeral homes faced examiners because of problems at their mortuaries and in both cases both funeral homes have had their licenses revoked for a period of time from the respective examining boards. While the funeral homes may have the chance to plead their case and appeal, much of…

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Cost of Burial Continues to Grow

By Funeral Director Daily / November 2, 2017 /

The United States Department of Labor published rates on the rising cost of death as their October 31 piece in the Economics Daily platform.  From here you can see the full article with a graph which indicates some of the following: From December 1986 to September 2017 funeral expenses rose 227.1% In that same time…

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The Coming Niche in Funeral Services

By Funeral Director Daily / October 31, 2017 /

For the last century most funeral homes have tried to be all things to all people.  Full service funeral homes have offered funeral services, embalming, cremation, and any other type of service that a client family asked for and usually were able to serve that family through their traditional funeral home building.  Originally there were…

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Avoiding Temptations in Business

By Funeral Director Daily / October 24, 2017 /

Probably over 20 years ago I read the book, Swim with the Sharks, by Harvey Mackay.  I thought it was a great read with a lot of common sense that I have used over the last 20 years in my business career.  It was also interesting to me because Mackay was a local guy who…

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Alkaline Hydrolysis Hits the New York Times

By Funeral Director Daily / October 23, 2017 /

The New York Times, for all the flack it gets for its political stances, is still a newspaper that reports on what is happening in America.  When trends are mentioned in the New York Times, they tend to not stay trends much longer – and in many instances morph into the fabric of what is…

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