Your Advertising Mix – Part 4: Participatory Ads

In previous segments we have talked about advertising staples such as the newspaper and radio.  We’ve talked about ancillary ads such as text messaging, e-mail, and social media.  Today, we will discuss what I believe is the most personable and the ads that have the best potential to turn a non-customer or non-advocate of your business into a client family and advocate.

These ads can be costly – both in terms of money spent and time spent – but in many cases can give the greatest immediate results.  I’m talking about what I call Participatory ads.  They are costly simply because there is usually a fee to participate in an event – many times a donation to a charity.  They are also costly because they generally require active participation from you and your staff in order to yield results.

What are “Participatory Ads”?  Here’s some that come to mind:

  • Golf Scramble Events
  • Law Enforcement or National Night Out Events
  • Holiday or Grief Seminars
  • Pre-Arrangement Seminars or Local Home Show Booth Type events

You should pick these events carefully because they do require time as well as money.  However, in all of these types of events you have the opportunity to visit with others one-on-one and create a client in that person you just talked to.  You have the opportunity to win these people over with personal interaction.  This point makes it critical that you know who is representing your funeral home at these events.

A caveat with these events — as great as these types of events can be to win people over.  The wrong behavior — such as too much to drink at a golf event — can make your participation a disaster.  Again, know who is representing you at these events and what their behaviors are.[wpforms id=”436″ title=”true” description=”true”]


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