Merchandising your Service Charge

Podcast2 Microphone



Alan Creedy and Danny Jefferson are two veterans in the death care business.  They have not only managed and owned funeral homes but have advised hundreds of death care operators.  The two of them put out a podcast entitled “Two Guys and a Question“.  I recently listened to one of their podcasts that deals with their opinion on what they call “Merchandising your Service Charge”.  


I think it is a real appropriate topic coming on the heels of this morning’s Funeral Director Daily article about cremation being the new tradition.


The podcast is only seven minutes long, but I think you will find it interesting and enlightening.  Here’s what the tease for it says, “Not long ago, funeral homes were investing in merchandising caskets. With less than half of customers buying caskets today we need to put the same energy and focus into merchandising our service charge. This is an intentional process that only bears a passing resemblance to casket merchandising. Danny and Alan open a dialogue on the ins and outs of this process.”


You can listen to the podcast here.


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